About Us, Social Marketing

Checking In

Ok. Real Talk.


Most commonly asked questioned we’ve been getting lately: What’s the Deal With Check-Ins? Well, we’ve going to give you the meat and potatoes so to speak. (Oh, now I’m hungry.) When you “check-in” to a business, you are saying ‘HEY, I’M HERE’, Now, what that does is place your image, into Instagram’s map for that location/business. THAT’S GREAT exposure for your brand and helps the business you checking- in to also…HOWEVER, let’s play devil’s advocate for a minute.


Let’s say your business is being check-in to but wait…you’re seeing pictures of things that don’t make sense for your brand. Let’s say you’re a bookstore, but your location ‘portfolio’ has pictures of Italian Food Dishes, Hair Design, Coffee, etc… (things that don’t represent your business, and people who flat out aren’t even there) You’d be frustrated right?…So where’s the happy medium? If you’re a local business, and want to take advantage of another business’s reach, go there.


Take picture of your client at that restaurant, or have them send you a selfie. Bring your product, flowers let’s say, to that business, introduce yourself, ask them to display them…We can only speak for Dover, NH but our community, will 99.9% of the time, say YES because they want your business to succeed as well. So we challenge you as a local business owner, to go out and introduce yourself to another local business owner. You’ll be pleasantly surprised!

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